First Official Fundraiser
Once again my love of West Michigan and its residents has been reaffirmed. The generosity and hearts of the people of West Michigan never cease to amaze me.
Once a year, the Affinity Groups at GE Aviation Systems in Grand Rapids, MI host a Diversity Potluck with one local charity selected to be the beneficiary of the event. This year we had the honor of being that charity. It was the typical potluck with such a selection of wonderful food that it was not hard to fill your plate or your stomach. The cost was $5 per plate which is a bargain at today’s lunch prices.
By the end of the two hour lunch period, the people at GE Aviation had generously gifted Eagle’s Wings of Hope over $2,300. This includes the wonderful GE Foundation 100% matching funds for any single employee donation over $25. Many of the GE employees met this threshold and doubled their donation.
This is another great step on our path to acquiring and operating a King Air like the one in this picture. The timing is perfect for efforts to create and purchase materials for our larger fundraising initiatives.
Thank you again to the people of GE Aviation and Affinity groups for such generosity.