2018 — here we come!

2018 — here we come!

2018 — here we come!

The team is back from enjoying time with family and friends, and we hit the ground running.

The Board of Directors met last week for our Q1 meeting and made that our Christmas dinner. Schedules were too crazy to have in December, so we pushed back to January. We quickly ran through business and had some good time to just socialize. The timing was perfect. I was feeling the January blues and getting deflated as we wait for our IRS approval to come through. Meeting with the team and their excitement, energy, and enthusiasm completely re-energized me. That energy translated into momentum and has led to great accomplishments in the last few weeks.

Last week I met with the Executive Director of a wonderful organization who we would love to partner with in our mission. We have so much in common in our faith, goals and desire to provide for others that I came away from the meeting with such a feeling of hope and excitement that I can’t explain. I have been invited to address their Board of Directors next month. More to come on that partnership.

Every organization needs a flag to rally behind. I am working on our logo with a very talented artist and am excited for her and I to share it with the world in the coming months. I can’t wait to feature it on everything. Especially on our airplane! May that symbol become a common sight all around the country.

Today I met with Julie Palmieri, from Serenade Designs. She is a certified music therapist and helps many music therapy organizations with their web page designs. She has offered to help us with ours. I reserved a domain some time ago and can’t wait to start filling it with all the exciting things that are happening. Check out Julie’s company and the wonderful work she does at Serenade-Designs.com. Welcome aboard Julie. It is great to have you on the team!

Thank you all for your encouragement and support and being a part of the team in spirit and deeds! It is getting exciting! I know I will need to feed off everyone’s energy and so will the rest of our team. I can’t wait to see what the year has in store for us, but I am confident there will be many exciting updates this year!

God bless!


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